
全球十大赌钱排行app的公共关系专业和未成年人对媒体发布的基本原则有了透彻的了解, 社交媒体管理, 公关活动, 危机沟通. 学生们通过为当地企业和非营利组织撰写公关文件和社交媒体帖子来建立自己的作品集. 他们毕业时具有在各种环境中有效工作的多功能性.


  • 公共关系






公共关系是当今发展最快的职业之一(美国劳工统计局,2021年). 它是一种侧重于与公众受众建立战略关系的沟通形式, 无论这些用户是公司内部的还是社区外部的, 国家, 或世界.

重点是写作——尤其是基于社交媒体的写作——和口语. 我们将深入探讨从管理技能到危机沟通再到品牌意识的方方面面. 理论探索, 学生们还可以获得与该地区的公司实时合作的实践经验.

  • Magdalena Werger ?24

    “I was surprised at how smooth the transition from high school to college was! I feel very supported at Carthage, and I know that if I have a question of any sort, there are people all around to help me.”

  • Emily Cain ?24

    “Public relations is so much more than just looking at social media; it’s about working with people, dealing with crises in a professional manner, and helping an organization gain trust with the public. With a public relations degree, you are able to create the type of job you want for yourself.”

  • Megan Christian ?24

    “Other students should consider PR and communication as majors because there are a wide variety of jobs in both fields. At Carthage, these majors are especially enjoyable because you really get to know your professors and the people within your major.”

  • James Coakley

    “Public relations is very important, especially nowadays with social media and technology. You learn how to properly curate an organization’s brand and public image.”


超过90%的全球十大赌钱排行app学生获得经济援助. 通信与数字媒体系每年举办一次奖学金竞赛, 对有意向的交流提供奖励, 平面设计, 公共关系专业. 获奖者的选择是基于面试和工作样本.


公共关系协会董事会成员24岁的妮娜·韦格和25岁的香农·劳凯提斯. 课堂之外

全球十大赌钱排行app有一个组织演讲的美国公共关系学生协会分会, 网络事件, 参观密尔沃基和芝加哥的公关公司, 是什么给你带来了实习和工作. 一家名为Social的学生经营的“企业”为校园内的其他学生组织提供公关服务.


全球十大赌钱排行app公共关系专业培养优秀的人际沟通能力, 小组解决问题, 创造性思维, 组织能力, 使他们在就业市场上更具竞争力, 不管他们全球十大赌钱排行app什么样的职业道路.